Thursday 21 March 2013

Top three At-a-glance

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             How to get a girl to like you

A simple, quick way to learn how to get a girl to like you is to remember the little details and then casually insert them into your conversation at a later date. The problem is that guys tend to remember larger things and women appreciate the details. Do you remember what she was wearing the first time you saw her? Probably not… but she will.
Getting a girl to like you isn’t just about remembering little 
either, it’s also about triggering massive attraction right from the start.
One of the gurus on this subject is David DeAngelo, he teaches guys
how to create massive attraction in any situation.
Once you have attraction, and you’re fairly confident about the situation,
the easiest way to really have all the details sink in is not to concentrate
on remembering the details, but to really be passionate about the
situation that you’re in. The more your truly devote yourself to that
situation, the more the little details will stick.
Contrastingly, the more you are aloof and distracted, the more you will
miss the subtle little details that show her that you really care. Humans,
especially women, need to know that you really care, and being
knowledgeable of the little details is one of the best ways to show this.
Not to mention, the little details of your relationship are things that only
you two share. Not even her best friend will know what she wore on
your first date, so if you know, then you’ll be that much more ahead of
A fair warning about this… subtle details are great but don’t overdo
them. Bring them up if they are appropriate, but sprinkle them
throughout your interactions instead of fully using them.
For example, saying: “Hey remember that our first date, when you wore
that top and those pants, yeah… I liked those” is really odd and out of
Instead, if she happens to wear the same shirt that she wore on your first
date, mentioning: “Didn’t you wear that when we first met? That was a
good day!” would come off much better. The difference is that one is
sincere and natural, the other is manufactured.
Don’t manufacture your comments, let them come to you naturally! It’s
the little details that count when you’re trying to figure out how to get a
girl to like you, remember them and you’ll reap the rewards.

Written By Chris Calo